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Commenting on Licensing Applications

There is growing concern about the effects of increased access to alcohol and gambling. 

If you wish to object to an application for a licence for either of these in Archway there are only four grounds on which you can argue: 

  • the prevention of crime and disorder

  • the protection of children from harm

  • public safety 

  • the prevention of public nuisance.

Alcohol Licensing

The main problem here seems to be with off licences as well as late night licensing.

You can refer to: 

  • The amount of on-going street drinking in the area, particularly late at night, as shown by discarded cans and bottles in the mornings.

  • The amount of late night aggression and domestic disputes around the centre of Archway as experienced by those living near the centre. 

  • In the case of smaller outlets in north Islington, that they have been found selling alcohol to minors. 

  • Similarly trading standards have found that many of these mini markets sell illegal and fake branded spirits and even wine, and smuggled cigarettes. 

Gambling Licensing

You can note that: 

  • Certain gambling outlets around Archway have been associated with drug dealing.         

  • A count of users at the now closed Cash City in Junction Road found that on a Friday (presumably the busiest day of the week) there were only nine users in 15 hours, so there is no demand from the wider community. But of those users, one was in the property almost four hours, exiting only to visit the cashpoint. It is clear that those who do use these properties can lose very significant amounts of money and in an area with some of the highest levels of mental ill health in the UK, it could be argued that such outlets should not be allowed as a matter of public safety for the most vulnerable users. 


In the case of both types of applications you can also make reference to the proposed hours of operation, which are often from very early in the morning to late at night, with further applications then usually made for extensions, often to 24 hours. 

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